We’re having a great time at Westpark Communications! We’re shining like red, white, and blue sparklers with our summer block party at work enjoying food, fun, and cool summer jams!

The Declaration of Independence Butterfly awaits for the guests to arrive with their potluck items.

Desserts: Some homemade, some store bought

Enjoying some punch

This is the most participation we have had for a potluck in a long time!

Jean getting some punch

I think we did good!

Ceviche time!

Sitting around having a good time

Yea yea, just let us eat!

Oh yeah!

Food and fun

Now that watermelon blueberry was to die for!

Some more selfies with the ladies of Westpark.

We were just blown away by everyone’s participation! The food just kept coming and coming!

Thalia and Dan enjoying their meal

More men of Westpark building their lunch

And more food…

And more food photos because, why not?

More group photos

A big thank you to Andrea and Shawanda for making the 4th of July banner!

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