How the Biggest Manufacturers Scale Their Business

Exploring Equipment Manufacturer's Business Strategies

How did a large, long-standing equipment manufacturer double its conversion rates immediately after activating their Westpark Communications account?

The manufacturer specializes in products designed to help people with mobility issues.

They work with an extensive network of dealers who sell and provide service for its products.

The Problem

Previously, they partnered with an outsourcing call center that could not provide a high level of service and lacked quality assurance.

They experienced long ring times and were not offered customized solutions.

Customers would call in to find a dealer for service or purchase the product, and they would stay on hold for 15 minutes.

The equipment manufacturer’s conversion rates were lower than expected, resulting in revenue and sales loss.

Since working with Westpark Communications, their conversion rates have more than doubled. Below is what we did to help our client achieve their marketing and business goals.

The Solution

We collaborated with our manufacturing client to build efficient and effective training for our agents.

Then, we implemented quality assurance protocols to ensure they received the high service level they needed.

Finally, we built call-routing solutions to use different URLs for different marketing lines to discover the most effective campaigns and track conversions.

When we started working with them, communication with the company’s designated contact person was frequent.

We assigned them a Client Success Advocate who met weekly to review calls together, finding isolated opportunities to optimize the scripting, solutions, and training.

At this point, their advocate got it down to a science and now only meets quarterly. Many of our clients state they value collaborating with our Client Success team.

Hindsight is 20/20

Some call centers’ onboarding protocols transition clients from their sales team to their agents without skipping a beat.

Then, once their account goes live, there is no escalation, so those companies are stuck with that solution.

Our manufacturing client exhibited these three key traits that ensured success after starting a new call center relationship.

1. They Streamlined Their Customer Service:

Delivering exceptional customer service is merely the baseline for maintaining customer satisfaction and driving sales.

Inadequate customer service can lead to long hold times, poor conversion rates, and, ultimately, revenue loss.

Implementing efficient training programs and quality assurance protocols helped align our call center agents with their operational needs.

2. They Were Strong Collaborators:

They set meetings with their designated advocate to review performance and optimize processes, allowing us to implement feedback.

Working toward a streamlined operation at the beginning of a partnership resulted in far less frequent oversight over time.

They sought a partner who could scale their package up or down to adapt to changing circumstances and customer needs.

3. They Made Data-Driven Decisions:

Leveraging data to track and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) is vital in our client’s journey of continuous improvement and growth.

By monitoring metrics such as lead generation, call volume, and conversion rates, they made informed decisions for more effective marketing campaigns.


Businesses can use these lessons learned to enhance customer service operations, optimize marketing strategies, and achieve sustained growth and success.

We hope this article encourages you in your own journey as you scale your business.

Diana Moreno

Marketing Manager

Diana Moreno is the Marketing Manager for Westpark Communications, a full-service U.S.-based call center headquartered in Spring, Texas. She collaborates across teams to deliver organic B2B content for the organization’s customers and educate them on their service options.

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