5 Ways to Sell a Product Using a Call Center

Attempting to sell your products or services is perhaps one of the most stressful elements of your business without looking too obvious. Selling products to people is a much trickier path now because customers are more astute to sales techniques and approaches.

What customers never fail to want, though, is good customer service. An efficient customer service call center is what you need to help process orders and help people gain answers to questions about your products.

Take a look at these five ways you can make this happen by outsourcing your call center.

Business woman at the office wearing a headset

1. Focus On Solutions Rather Than Your Product or Service

While it’s great to market your products or service as being better than competitors, customers don’t want to hear that.

They’re calling you to find solutions to a problem they have. All they want to know is what your product can do for them rather than making it all about you.

As Inc. points out, solution selling certainly isn’t dead. However, you need to clearly define what your product or service does to create a solution for a common problem. Your call center agents should have a script succinctly describing what this is.

You might want to make this information an automatic part of the phone order taking experience. Then again, you’ll also want to prepare your agents to provide quick answers when customers call to ask product questions.

Doing this on your own will take more training time, including creating scripts that compellingly answer to the solutions you offer.

2. Streamline the Order-Taking Process

It’s important your phone agents not dance around things like price, or whether your product is even available yet. The order-taking process should become streamlined to a point where you tell the truth and not give excuses for anything.

Don’t feel afraid of saying what your price is, because if the customer on the phone thinks it has value, they’ll buy. If you happen to have discounts for a first-time purchase, make sure your phone agents say so early in the conversation.

Above all, make the conversation easy to understand so the person on the phone isn’t confused about what’s involved in placing an order. Since your agents aren’t talking to the customer face to face, communication has to rely strictly on language.

Make your call center turn the order-taking process into one taking place in minutes rather than becoming protracted. Word will quickly travel about how fast and efficient your customer service is.

3. Personalized Service is Better Than Speed of Service

Yes, fast customer service is great, though it’s not quite as essential as personalized service.

Those of you perplexed by that should take to heart what Neil Patel said about the matter. Neil says part of a personalized customer experience is surprising the customer.

Some of you might be new to this kind of concept. Regardless, think about how a customer would react if they find out you’re giving them a new purchase for free or a discount. You could also pull another surprise like next-day delivery or other specialized favor.

For a first-time customer on the phone, they’ll appreciate these gestures and continue to call again for future orders. Be sure to use their first name, and study the caller’s buying habits so you can continue to personalize service for them in the future.

The customer loyalty you’ll enjoy from this kind of service makes all the effort worth it.


4. Create Fluid Communication

Being able to communicate well with your customers needs top priority, though how do you go about training this?

It’s not easy, especially in training attitude. When hiring call agents, looking for those with empathy and compassion goes a long way in ensuring they’ll understand customer pain points. The best outsourced call centers thoroughly train their employees, but also look for agents with these exemplary personality traits.

Working with this type of personality, they’ll be able to take on a more fluid communication that customers expect.

As Forbes notes, you want agents who have zero repeats. Customers don’t want to have to repeat themselves when they have a specific problem. Your agents should understand their problem the first time to take care of an issue with their order.

Agents with natural compassion won’t lose their patience if they happen to get frustrated callers, or someone who calls in by mistake. For an example, someone might keep dialing your call center by accident and keep doing so several times. Calm and empathetic agents won’t get flustered over this and handle it with aplomb.

Don’t forget about using interactive voice response systems either. These help considerably in keeping a fluid cycle of communication going by taking pertinent caller information and routing it to the right department.

Providing consistent answers should also be top of mind. Some of your customers may have to talk with numerous call agents. Callers want consistency rather than receive different answers to a particular customer service problem.

5. Proper Training

As mentioned above, you can’t teach empathy. Even so, you still want to train your phone agents with the right customer service skills.

Can you do this on your own, or would it become too much of an expense you can’t handle right now? Maybe you can start your own call center on your own later, though maybe outsourcing would be a better bet in the interim.

With outsourcing, you’ll have fully trained call agents that understand your business and the proper customer approach.

Where Can You Take Your Customer Service to the Next Level?

At Westpark Communications, we’re available to help take your customer service to levels you’ve struggled to reach. Building a relationship with your call center is going to become a central part of success when outsourcing.

We make this happen when you work with our team. By using the five steps above, you’ll find assurance in knowing you’ll be working with the best phone agents in the U.S.

Visit our website to learn more about the call center services we offer next to customer service.

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